Global Root Canal Files: History and Development of these Files

Root Canal Files Root canal treatment has come a long way since its origins in the 19th century. Some of the earliest root canal files were made of solid metal and were very stiff, making it difficult for dentists to navigate the complex root canal system without damaging the tooth. In the early 1900s, dentists started experimenting with manufacturing flexible nickel-titanium (NiTi) files that were better suited for threading through narrow and curved root canals. By the mid-1900s, companies were mass producing stainless steel hand files of increasing tapers and tips to improve cleaning and shaping abilities. As endodontic technologies advanced throughout the late 20th century, new file designs and materials drastically improved outcomes. In the 1980s, manufacturers introduced greater taper Root Canal Files made of alloy steels like M-wire to cut dentin more efficiently. By the 1990s, manufacturing processes allowed for intricate laser-cutting of complex file geometries with variable...